
making school fun and why everyone hates me

The ways in which humans socialize have changed immensely since the introduction of the internet, especially within the last decade. People are now able to market themselves to others like commodities through the use of personal and/or social networking websites. Most people who use such tools include a picture of themselves as well as various qualities about themselves that they consider to be positive, quotes that they find clever or witty, as well as basic information such as employment, schooling, etc. If one is not fluent in HTML or does not desire to think of their own original content, social networking sites provide a template with specific questions to fill in, much in the form of a survey. This gives anyone with computer access the ability to present themselves to people that they might otherwise not meet. As a result of this trend, socialization seems to be higher than ever, especially since a message can be sent or received in an instant.

In the past, many people would only have felt comfortable advertising themselves in such a way if they were looking for a romantic partner. Now, however, it's become quite normal. These days, people verify their loyalty to each other via the "Top Friends" category on Myspace.com and keep up to date with their current friends/enemies with the help of Facebook.com's "Friends" list. In fact, you no longer have to talk to anyone to understand the terms of your relationship - you can just check if they deleted you from their "Friends"!

Furthermore, using Facebook.com's "Status" feature, things like the fact that you're currently drinking a tall nonfat white mocha latte from Starbucks become public news, which can be reported with ease, or at least without the embarrassment that would come after calling your friend up to say so. After all, when people are able to instantly report everything they eat or drink, when they scratch their head, pick their nose, or any other body part, they do! You can now know your friends better than you ever wanted to! You can spy on your neighbors! You can torture your troubled soul as you mull over pictures of your ex and her new boytoy while drinking too much rum and smoking your lungs black! And, you can do this all in the comfort of your own home!

(and you'd better be home, no smoking within 10ft of public entrances, now!)

1 comment:

Sinjhin said...

I have seen and correctly interpreted your alias quite a few times now, but for some reason I saw inanimate orgasm this time, which led me to ponder what that would be like.

Anyways, sorry for the random tangent. I just wanted to say that I enjoyed this post.

For several years now I have prevented myself from partaking in social networking sites or even blogs for that matter (this is odd for a computer science major). My excuse was always that I wished to remain completely anonymous on the internet, however, in hindsight, I believe it had more to do with some feeling of not wanting to be a cheap internet whore hiding behind the precisely measured explanation of myself that I can put forward on such sites.

Ok, that is an exaggeration... but after rejoining the facebook community for half a year now I am generally afraid of the decline of "real" interaction. Facebook, to me, is just an excuse for not talking to the guy/girl sitting next to you. It is a great tool for keeping up with friends and family... but is it worth it?